Table of Contents

NP_PunBB Plugin

Plugin interfaces Nucleus 3.2 with PunBB 1.2.5


Plugin options

  1. PunBB host name: MySQL host name.
  2. PunBB database name: MySQL database name.
  3. PunBB database username: MySQL user name.
  4. PunBB database password: MySQL user password.
  5. PunBB table prefix: Table prefix used at time of install.
  6. PunBB Forum URL (should NOT end with a slash): URL to access the forum.
  7. Copy all users, items and comments from Nucleus to PunBB now? If yes, will copy all registered users, items and comments to PunBB. Once an item is copied over, it will not be copied over again.
  8. Drop tables on uninstall? Drop plugin related tables when an uninstall occurs.
  9. Offer option to create topic in PunBB when adding/editing article? Display option to add item to forum on Item entry screen.
  10. “Add Article To PunBB?” is on by default? Default to yes the adding of articles to forum.
  11. Default PunBB forum number to create topics in: Default forum to add articles, if category does not contain a forum.
  12. Text to post before article link: Text to precede article link.
  13. Add article LINK to PunBB topic? Add the link back to the article in the forum post.
  14. Add article BODY to PunBB topic? Add the item body to the forum post.
  15. Add article MORE to PunBB topic? Add the item more part to the forum post
  16. Embed images in posts? Add images in forum posts. If yes, image tags are inline, popup tags link to image via text. If no, image tags use the {text} from the tag as a placeholder, popup tags just use the text as part of the article.
  17. Automatically close comments for articles in PunBB? Close commenting on the item when added to the forum.

Category options

  1. Forum number in PunBB (0 for default): If '0', defaults to the forum in the plugin options.


Displays forum(0) in your template, '0' is replaced by the number of replies at the forum:

Support and Bug reports

For additional support and/or bug reports please use this forum thread: Version History



  NP_PunBB 1.0 for Nucleus CMS
  (c) Radek HULAN,
  NP_PunBB 1.2 modifications by
  Bert Garcia (hcgtv)
  NP_PunBB 1.2.1 enhancements by
  Rickard Andersson
  NP_PunBB 1.3 enhancements by
  Rickard Andersson & Bert Garcia (hcgtv)
class NP_PunBB extends NucleusPlugin
	function getNAME() { return 'PunBB'; }
	function getAuthor() { return 'Radek Hulan, Rickard Andersson, Bert Garcia'; }
	function getVersion() { return '1.3'; }
	function getURL() { return ''; }
	function getDescription() { return 'Plugin to integrate Nucleus with the PunBB forum.'; }
	function getTableList()
		return array(sql_table('plugin_punbb'));
	function getEventList()
		return array(
	function install()
		$this->createOption('host', 'PunBB host name:', 'text', 'localhost');
		$this->createOption('database', 'PunBB database name:', 'text', '');
		$this->createOption('username', 'PunBB database username:', 'text', 'root');
		$this->createOption('password', 'PunBB database password:', 'text', '');
		$this->createOption('prefix', 'PunBB table prefix:', 'text', '');
		$this->createOption('url', 'PunBB Forum URL (should NOT end with a slash):', 'text', '');
		$this->createOption('copy', 'Copy all users, items and comments from Nucleus to PunBB now?', 'select', '0', 'no|0|yes|1');
		$this->createOption('drop', 'Drop tables on uninstall?', 'select', '0', 'no|0|yes|1');
		$this->createOption('create', 'Offer option to create topic in PunBB when adding/editing article?', 'select', '1', 'no|0|yes|1');
		$this->createOption('default', '"Add Article To PunBB?" is on by default?', 'select', '1', 'no|0|yes|1');
		$this->createOption('forum', 'Default PunBB forum number to create topics in:', 'text', '1');
		$this->createOption('linktext', 'Text to post before article link:', 'text', 'Link to article: ');
		$this->createOption('link', 'Add article LINK to PunBB topic?', 'select', '1', 'no|0|yes|1');
		$this->createOption('body', 'Add article BODY to PunBB topic?', 'select', '1', 'no|0|yes|1');
		$this->createOption('more', 'Add article MORE to PunBB topic?', 'select', '0', 'no|0|yes|1');
		$this->createOption('image', 'Embed images in posts?', 'select', '1', 'no|0|yes|1');
		$this->createOption('close', 'Automatically close comments for articles in PunBB?', 'select', '1', 'no|0|yes|1');
		$this->createCategoryOption('punbbtopic', 'Forum number in PunBB (0 for default):', 'text', '0');
		$query = "create table if not exists " . sql_table('plugin_punbb') . " (itemid int(11) auto_increment, topicid int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(itemid), KEY(topicid))";
	function unInstall()
		if ($this->getOption('drop') == '1')
			$query = "drop table if exists " . sql_table('plugin_punbb');
	function supportsFeature($feature)
		switch ($feature)
			case 'SqlTablePrefix':
				return 1;
				return 0;
			case 'HelpPage':
				return 1;
				return 0; 
	function cleanArticle($article, $image, $member)
		global $CONF;
		// Make sure all linebreaks are \n
		$article = str_replace("\r", "", $article);
		// convert links into bbCode
		$article = preg_replace('/<a(.*?)href=[\'|\"](.*?)[\'|\"]>(.*?)<\/a>/', '[url=$2]$3[/url]', $article); 
		// convert images into bbCode
		if ($image == '1')
			$article = preg_replace('/<%image\((.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\)%>/', '[img]' . $CONF['MediaURL'] . strval($member) . '/' . '$1[/img]', $article);
			$article = preg_replace('/<%image\((.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\)%>/', '{$4} ', $article);
		// convert popups into bbCode
		if ($image == '1')
			$article = preg_replace('/<%popup\((.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\)%>/', '[url=' . $CONF['MediaURL'] . strval($member) . '/' . '$1]' . '$4[/url]', $article);
			$article = preg_replace('/<%popup\((.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\)%>/', '$4', $article);
		// remove other Nucleus pseudo-tags 
		$article = preg_replace('/<%(.*?)%>/', '', $article);
		// do bold, italic and underline
		$article = str_replace(array('<b>', '</b>', '<i>', '</i>', '<u>', '</u>'), array('[b]', '[/b]', '[i]', '[/i]', '[u]', '[/u]'), $article);
		// pre/code into bbCode
		$article = str_replace('<pre>', "[code]", $article);
		$article = str_replace('</pre>', "[/code]", $article);
		$article = str_replace('<code>', "[code]", $article);
		$article = str_replace('</ code>', "[/code]", $article);
		// blockquote into bbCode
		// ending tags into line breaks
		$article = str_replace('</p>', "\n\n", $article);
		$article = str_replace("<br />\n", "\n", $article);
		$article = str_replace('<br />', "\n", $article);
		$article = str_replace("<br>\n", "\n", $article);
		$article = str_replace('<br>', "\n", $article);
		$article = str_replace('</li>', "\n", $article); 
		// lists
		$article = str_replace('<li>', "* ", $article); 
		// headlines in bold
		$article = preg_replace('/<h(.*?)>(.*?)<\/h(.*?)>/', "[b]$2[/b]\n", $article); 
		// strip all other tags
		$article = trim(strip_tags($article));
		// convert &lt; and &gt; if entered to display code
		$article = str_replace(array('&lt;', '&gt;'), array('<', '>'), $article);
		return $article;
	function event_PostRegister(&$data)
		// user already exists?
		$result = mysql_query("select id from " . '`'.$this->getOption('database').'`' . "." . $this->getOption('prefix') . "users where username='" . addslashes($data['member']->displayname) . "'"); 
		// username still does not exists
		if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)
			$query = "insert into " . '`'.$this->getOption('database').'`' . "." . $this->getOption('prefix') . "users".
				" (username,".
				"   group_id,".
				"   realname,".
				"   password,".
				"   email,".
				"   email_setting,save_pass,notify_with_post,show_smilies,show_img,show_avatars,show_sig,".
				"   timezone,style,registered)".
				" values(".
				" '".addslashes($data['member']->displayname)."',".
				" 4,".
				" '".addslashes($data['member']->realname)."',".
				" '".addslashes($data['member']->password)."',".
				" '".addslashes($data['member']->email)."',".
				" 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,".
				" 1,'Oxygen',".strval(time()).
			mysql_query($query) or exit(mysql_error());
	function event_PostPluginOptionsUpdate(&$data)
		if ($this->getOption('copy') == '1')
			$this->setOption('copy', '0');
			$dbname = '`'.$this->getOption('database').'`';
			$prefix = $this->getOption('prefix');
			// Copy Nucleus users into PunBB database
			$result = mysql_query("SELECT mname as username, mrealname as realname, mpassword as password, memail as email FROM " . sql_table('member'));
			while ($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
				// user already exists?
				$result2 = mysql_query("select id from $dbname." . $prefix . "users where username='" . addslashes($user['username']) . "'"); 
				if (!mysql_num_rows($result2))
					$query = "insert into $dbname." . $prefix . "users".
						" (username,".
						"   group_id,".
						"   realname,".
						"   password,".
						"   email,".
						"   email_setting,save_pass,notify_with_post,show_smilies,show_img,show_avatars,show_sig,".
						"   timezone,style,registered)".
						" values(".
						" '".addslashes($user['username'])."',".
						" 4,".
						" '".addslashes($user['realname'])."',".
						" '".addslashes($user['password'])."',".
						" '".addslashes($user['email'])."',".
						" 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,".
						" 1,'Oxygen',".strval(time()).
					mysql_query($query) or exit(mysql_error());
			// Copy Nucleus items into PunBB database
			$result = mysql_query("SELECT inumber, ititle AS title, ibody AS body, imore AS more, mname AS name, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(itime) AS itime, iauthor AS member FROM ".sql_table('item')." i LEFT JOIN ".sql_table('plugin_punbb')." p ON i.inumber=p.itemid INNER JOIN ".sql_table('member')." m ON mnumber=iauthor WHERE p.itemid IS NULL"); 
			while ($msg_item = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
				$msg_member = array('name' => $msg_item['name']);
				$result2 = mysql_query("select id from $dbname." . $prefix . "users where username='" . addslashes($msg_member['name']) . "'");
				if (!mysql_num_rows($result2))
					doError("User " . $msg_member['name'] . " does NOT exist in PunBB user database!");
					$user_id = mysql_result($result2, 0);
				$topicid = $this->createPunBBTopic($msg_item, $msg_member, $user_id, true, true);
	function event_AddItemFormExtras($data)
		if ($this->getOption('create') == '1')
			$s1 = $s2 = '';
			echo '<table><tr><td><h3>Create topic in PunBB?</h3>';
			if ($this->getOption('default') == '1')
				$s1 = ' checked="checked"';
				$s2 = ' checked="checked"';
			echo '<input name="punbbtopiccreate" type="radio" value="1" id="punbb1"' . $s1 . ' /><label for="punbb1">yes</label> ';
			echo '<input name="punbbtopiccreate" type="radio" value="0" id="punbb2"' . $s2 . ' /><label for="punbb1">no</label>';
			echo '</td><td><h3>Copy article text as well?</h3>';
			echo '<input name="punbbcopy" type="radio" value="1" id="punbb3" checked="checked" /><label for="punbb3">yes</label> ';
			echo '<input name="punbbcopy" type="radio" value="0" id="punbb4" /><label for="punbb4">no</label></td></tr></table>';
	function event_EditItemFormExtras($data)
		if ($this->getOption('create') != '1') return;
		$query = mysql_query('select topicid from ' . sql_table('plugin_punbb') . ' where itemid=' . strval($data['itemid']));
		if ($msg = mysql_fetch_array($query)) $s = strval($msg['topicid']);
		else $s = '';
		echo '<h3>PunBB</h3><p><label for="punbb1">PunBB Topic Number:</label> <input name="punbbtopicnumber" type="text" value="' . $s . '" id="punbb1" /></p>';
	function createPunBBTopic($msg_item, $msg_member, $user_id, $full_post, $comments)
		global $CONF;
		$dbname = '`'.$this->getOption('database').'`';
		$prefix = $this->getOption('prefix');
		$body = $this->getOption('body');
		$more = $this->getOption('more');
		$link = $this->getOption('link');
		$image = $this->getOption('image'); 
		$myurl = 'http://' . str_replace('//', '/', str_replace('http://', '', $CONF['IndexURL'] . createItemLink($msg_item['inumber'])));
		$result = mysql_query('select icat from ' . sql_table('item') . ' where inumber=' . $msg_item['inumber']);
		$forum = $this->getCategoryOption(intval(mysql_result($result, 0)), 'punbbtopic');
		if (intval($forum) == 0) $forum = $this->getOption('forum');
		$result = mysql_query("select id from $dbname." . $prefix . "forums where id=" . $forum);
		if (!($temp = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)))
			doError("Forum number " . $forum . " does NOT exist in PunBB database!");
		/* ------- TOPICS ------- */
		$subject = trim(strip_tags($msg_item['title']));
		if ($subject == '')
			$subject = 'No subject';
		$result = "insert into $dbname." . $prefix . "topics (posted,poster,subject,num_views,num_replies,closed,sticky,forum_id) values (" . $msg_item['itime'] . ", '" . $msg_member['name'] . "','" . addslashes($subject) . "',0,0,0,0," . $forum . ")"; 
		if (!mysql_query($result))
			doError("Error with query: $query");
		$topicid = mysql_insert_id(); 
		// insert full post?
		if ($full_post)
			$article = '';
			if ($body == '1') $article .= $msg_item['body'] . "\n\n";
			if ($more == '1') $article .= $msg_item['more'] . "\n\n";
			if ($link == '1') $article .= $this->getOption('linktext') . " [b][url]" . $myurl . "[/url][/b]"; 
			$article = $this->cleanArticle($article, $image, $msg_item['member']);
		if (empty($article)) $article = $this->getOption('linktext') . " [url]" . $myurl . "[/url]";
		/* ------- POSTS ------- */
		$query = "insert into $dbname." . $prefix . "posts " . " ( poster," . "   poster_id," . "   message," . "   hide_smilies," . "   posted," . "   topic_id," . "   poster_ip" . " ) values ( " . " '" . addslashes($msg_member['name']) . "'," . " " . strval($user_id) . "," . " '" . addslashes($article) . "'," . " 1," . " " . $msg_item['itime'] . "," . " " . strval($topicid) . "," . " '" . addslashes($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) . "'" . " )";
		if (!mysql_query($query))
			doError("Error with query: $query");
		$last_post = $msg_item['itime'];
		$last_post_id = mysql_insert_id();
		$last_poster = $msg_member['name'];
		$post_count = 1;
		$query = "update $dbname." . $prefix . "users set last_post=" . $msg_item['itime'] . ",num_posts=num_posts+1 " . "where id=" . strval($user_id);
		if (!mysql_query($query))
			doError("Error with query: $query");
		if ($comments)
			// We've created the topic and the topic post, now deal with any comments
			$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT c.cbody, c.cuser, c.cmember, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.ctime) AS ctime, c.cip, m.mname FROM ".sql_table('comment')." c LEFT JOIN ".sql_table('member')." m ON m.mnumber=c.cmember WHERE c.citem=" . $msg_item['inumber']);
			while ($cmt_item = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2))
				$cusername = '';
				$cuser_id = 1;
				if (intval($cmt_item['cmember']) > 0)
					$cusername = $cmt_item['mname'];
					$result3 = mysql_query("select id from $dbname." . $prefix . "users where username='" . addslashes($cusername) . "'");
					if (!mysql_num_rows($result3))
						doError("User " . $cusername . " does NOT exist in PunBB user database!");
						$cuser_id = mysql_result($result3, 0);
					$result3 = "update $dbname." . $prefix . "users set last_post=" . $cmt_item['ctime'] . ",num_posts=num_posts+1 " . "where id=" . $cuser_id;
					if (!mysql_query($result3))
						doError("Error with query: $query");
					$cusername = $cmt_item['cuser'];
				$cmt_item['cbody'] = str_replace(array('<br />', '&amp;', '&#039;', '&quot;', '&lt;', '&gt;'), array('', '&', '\'', '"', '<', '>'), $cmt_item['cbody']);
				$query = "insert into $dbname." . $prefix . "posts " . " ( poster," . "   poster_id," . "   message," . "   hide_smilies," . "   posted," . "   topic_id," . "   poster_ip" . " ) values ( " . " '" . addslashes($cusername) . "'," . " " . strval($cuser_id) . "," . " '" . addslashes($cmt_item['cbody']) . "'," . " 1," . " " . $cmt_item['ctime'] . "," . " " . strval($topicid) . "," . " '" . addslashes($cmt_item['cip']) . "'" . " )";
				if (!mysql_query($query))
					doError("Error with query: $query");
				$last_post = $cmt_item['ctime'];
				$last_post_id = mysql_insert_id();
				$last_poster = $cusername;
		/* ------- TOPICS ------- */
		$query = "update $dbname." . $prefix . "topics set last_post=" . $last_post . ",last_post_id=" . $last_post_id . ",last_poster='" . addslashes($last_poster) . "',num_replies=" . strval($post_count-1) . " where id=" . strval($topicid);
		if (!mysql_query($query))
			doError("Error with query: $query");
		/* ------- FORUMS ------- */
		$query = "update $dbname." . $prefix . "forums set last_post=" . $last_post . ",num_posts=num_posts+" . $post_count . ",num_topics=num_topics+1 " . ",last_post_id=" . $last_post_id . ",last_poster='" . addslashes($last_poster) . "'" . "where id=" . $forum;
		if (!mysql_query($query))
			doError("Error with query: $query");
		// close comment for this article?
		if ($this->getOption('close') == '1')
			$query = "update " . sql_table('item') . " set iclosed=1 where inumber=" . $msg_item['inumber'];
		// save relation between an article and topic id
		if ($topicid > 0)
			$query = "insert into " . sql_table('plugin_punbb') . "(itemid,topicid) values (" . $msg_item['inumber'] . ",$topicid)";
		return $topicid;
	// create new topic in PunBB database */
	function event_PostAddItem(&$data)
		if ($this->getOption('create') != '1') return;
		if (isset($_POST['punbbtopiccreate']) && ($_POST['punbbtopiccreate'] == '1'))
			$myitemid = strval(intval($data['itemid']));
			$result = mysql_query('select ititle as title, ibody as body, imore as more, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(itime) as itime, iauthor as member from ' . sql_table('item') . ' where inumber=' . $myitemid);
			if (!($msg_item = mysql_fetch_array($result))) return;
			$msg_item['inumber'] = $myitemid;
			$result = mysql_query('select mname as name from ' . sql_table('member') . ' where mnumber=' . strval($msg_item['member']));
			if (!($msg_member = mysql_fetch_array($result))) return;
			$result = mysql_query("select id from " . '`'.$this->getOption('database').'`' . "." . $this->getOption('prefix') . "users where username='" . addslashes($msg_member['name']) . "'");
			if (!mysql_num_rows($result))
				doError("User " . $msg_member['name'] . " does NOT exist in PunBB user database!");
				$user_id = mysql_result($result, 0);
			$full_post = (isset($_POST['punbbcopy']) && ($_POST['punbbcopy'] == '1')) ? true : false;
			$this->createPunBBTopic($msg_item, $msg_member, $user_id, $full_post, false);
	function event_PreUpdateItem($data)
		if ($this->getOption('create') != '1') return;
		if (isset($_POST['punbbtopicnumber']) && (strlen($_POST['punbbtopicnumber']) > 0))
			$result = mysql_query('select topicid from ' . sql_table('plugin_punbb') . ' where itemid=' . strval($data['itemid']));
			if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
				$query = 'update ' . sql_table('plugin_punbb') . ' set topicid=' . $_POST['punbbtopicnumber'] . ' where itemid=' . strval($data['itemid']);
				$query = 'insert into ' . sql_table('plugin_punbb') . ' (itemid,topicid) values (' . strval($data['itemid']) . ',' . $_POST['punbbtopicnumber'] . ')';
	function doTemplateVar(&$item, $text_pre = '', $text_post = '')
		$id = strval(intval($item->itemid));
		$result = mysql_query('select topicid from ' . sql_table('plugin_punbb') . ' where itemid=' . $id);
		if ($msg = mysql_fetch_array($result)) if (intval($msg['topicid']) > 0)
			$result = mysql_query("select num_replies from " . '`'.$this->getOption('database').'`' . "." . $this->getOption('prefix') . "topics where id=".intval($msg['topicid']));
			$num_replies = ($result) ? mysql_result($result, 0) : 0;
			echo $text_pre;
			echo $this->getOption('url') . "/viewtopic.php?id=" . strval($msg['topicid'] . "&amp;action=new");
			echo $text_post.' ('.$num_replies.')';