Table of Contents

Olate Download Misc


Although Olate Download 3 is 100% free and open source, it comes with fully featured technical support should you have any questions or problems! A response to your question is guaranteed to make sure that you get the most out of using the product. 24 hour technical support is provided through the customer forums in addition to an extensive knowledge base of common questions.

Bug Reports/Feature Requests

Olate Download is built on community and user feedback. We want to know if you find any bugs and if you have any ideas for future releases. Olate Download is actively developed and you can add your suggestion or report a bug through our web based tracker.


In addition to the core developer, many other people have assisted in the development of Olate Download 3. Olate would like to take the opportunity to mention and thank each one for their contribution to the project!

Active Developers

Original Developers



Financial/Resource Support and Backing

And everyone else not specifically mentioned…