Plugin interfaces Nucleus 3.2 with PunBB 1.2.5
Displays forum(0) in your template, '0' is replaced by the number of replies at the forum:
For additional support and/or bug reports please use this forum thread: Version History
<?php /************************************* NP_PunBB 1.0 for Nucleus CMS (c) Radek HULAN, NP_PunBB 1.2 modifications by Bert Garcia (hcgtv) NP_PunBB 1.2.1 enhancements by Rickard Andersson NP_PunBB 1.3 enhancements by Rickard Andersson & Bert Garcia (hcgtv) *************************************/ class NP_PunBB extends NucleusPlugin { function getNAME() { return 'PunBB'; } function getAuthor() { return 'Radek Hulan, Rickard Andersson, Bert Garcia'; } function getVersion() { return '1.3'; } function getURL() { return ''; } function getDescription() { return 'Plugin to integrate Nucleus with the PunBB forum.'; } function getTableList() { return array(sql_table('plugin_punbb')); } function getEventList() { return array( 'PostRegister', 'PostPluginOptionsUpdate', 'AddItemFormExtras', 'PostAddItem', 'EditItemFormExtras', 'PreUpdateItem' ); } function install() { $this->createOption('host', 'PunBB host name:', 'text', 'localhost'); $this->createOption('database', 'PunBB database name:', 'text', ''); $this->createOption('username', 'PunBB database username:', 'text', 'root'); $this->createOption('password', 'PunBB database password:', 'text', ''); $this->createOption('prefix', 'PunBB table prefix:', 'text', ''); $this->createOption('url', 'PunBB Forum URL (should NOT end with a slash):', 'text', ''); $this->createOption('copy', 'Copy all users, items and comments from Nucleus to PunBB now?', 'select', '0', 'no|0|yes|1'); $this->createOption('drop', 'Drop tables on uninstall?', 'select', '0', 'no|0|yes|1'); $this->createOption('create', 'Offer option to create topic in PunBB when adding/editing article?', 'select', '1', 'no|0|yes|1'); $this->createOption('default', '"Add Article To PunBB?" is on by default?', 'select', '1', 'no|0|yes|1'); $this->createOption('forum', 'Default PunBB forum number to create topics in:', 'text', '1'); $this->createOption('linktext', 'Text to post before article link:', 'text', 'Link to article: '); $this->createOption('link', 'Add article LINK to PunBB topic?', 'select', '1', 'no|0|yes|1'); $this->createOption('body', 'Add article BODY to PunBB topic?', 'select', '1', 'no|0|yes|1'); $this->createOption('more', 'Add article MORE to PunBB topic?', 'select', '0', 'no|0|yes|1'); $this->createOption('image', 'Embed images in posts?', 'select', '1', 'no|0|yes|1'); $this->createOption('close', 'Automatically close comments for articles in PunBB?', 'select', '1', 'no|0|yes|1'); $this->createCategoryOption('punbbtopic', 'Forum number in PunBB (0 for default):', 'text', '0'); $query = "create table if not exists " . sql_table('plugin_punbb') . " (itemid int(11) auto_increment, topicid int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(itemid), KEY(topicid))"; sql_query($query); } function unInstall() { if ($this->getOption('drop') == '1') { $query = "drop table if exists " . sql_table('plugin_punbb'); sql_query($query); } } function supportsFeature($feature) { switch ($feature) { case 'SqlTablePrefix': return 1; default: return 0; case 'HelpPage': return 1; default: return 0; } } function cleanArticle($article, $image, $member) { global $CONF; // Make sure all linebreaks are \n $article = str_replace("\r", "", $article); // convert links into bbCode $article = preg_replace('/<a(.*?)href=[\'|\"](.*?)[\'|\"]>(.*?)<\/a>/', '[url=$2]$3[/url]', $article); // convert images into bbCode if ($image == '1') $article = preg_replace('/<%image\((.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\)%>/', '[img]' . $CONF['MediaURL'] . strval($member) . '/' . '$1[/img]', $article); else $article = preg_replace('/<%image\((.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\)%>/', '{$4} ', $article); // convert popups into bbCode if ($image == '1') $article = preg_replace('/<%popup\((.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\)%>/', '[url=' . $CONF['MediaURL'] . strval($member) . '/' . '$1]' . '$4[/url]', $article); else $article = preg_replace('/<%popup\((.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\)%>/', '$4', $article); // remove other Nucleus pseudo-tags $article = preg_replace('/<%(.*?)%>/', '', $article); // do bold, italic and underline $article = str_replace(array('<b>', '</b>', '<i>', '</i>', '<u>', '</u>'), array('[b]', '[/b]', '[i]', '[/i]', '[u]', '[/u]'), $article); // pre/code into bbCode $article = str_replace('<pre>', "[code]", $article); $article = str_replace('</pre>', "[/code]", $article); $article = str_replace('<code>', "[code]", $article); $article = str_replace('</ code>', "[/code]", $article); // blockquote into bbCode $article=str_replace('<blockquote>',"[quote]",$article); $article=str_replace('</blockquote>',"[/quote]",$article); // ending tags into line breaks $article = str_replace('</p>', "\n\n", $article); $article = str_replace("<br />\n", "\n", $article); $article = str_replace('<br />', "\n", $article); $article = str_replace("<br>\n", "\n", $article); $article = str_replace('<br>', "\n", $article); $article = str_replace('</li>', "\n", $article); // lists $article = str_replace('<li>', "* ", $article); // headlines in bold $article = preg_replace('/<h(.*?)>(.*?)<\/h(.*?)>/', "[b]$2[/b]\n", $article); // strip all other tags $article = trim(strip_tags($article)); // convert < and > if entered to display code $article = str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('<', '>'), $article); return $article; } function event_PostRegister(&$data) { // user already exists? $result = mysql_query("select id from " . '`'.$this->getOption('database').'`' . "." . $this->getOption('prefix') . "users where username='" . addslashes($data['member']->displayname) . "'"); // username still does not exists if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { $query = "insert into " . '`'.$this->getOption('database').'`' . "." . $this->getOption('prefix') . "users". " (username,". " group_id,". " realname,". " password,". " email,". " email_setting,save_pass,notify_with_post,show_smilies,show_img,show_avatars,show_sig,". " timezone,style,registered)". " values(". " '".addslashes($data['member']->displayname)."',". " 4,". " '".addslashes($data['member']->realname)."',". " '".addslashes($data['member']->password)."',". " '".addslashes($data['member']->email)."',". " 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,". " 1,'Oxygen',".strval(time()). ")"; mysql_query($query) or exit(mysql_error()); } } function event_PostPluginOptionsUpdate(&$data) { if ($this->getOption('copy') == '1') { $this->setOption('copy', '0'); $dbname = '`'.$this->getOption('database').'`'; $prefix = $this->getOption('prefix'); // Copy Nucleus users into PunBB database $result = mysql_query("SELECT mname as username, mrealname as realname, mpassword as password, memail as email FROM " . sql_table('member')); while ($user = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { // user already exists? $result2 = mysql_query("select id from $dbname." . $prefix . "users where username='" . addslashes($user['username']) . "'"); if (!mysql_num_rows($result2)) { $query = "insert into $dbname." . $prefix . "users". " (username,". " group_id,". " realname,". " password,". " email,". " email_setting,save_pass,notify_with_post,show_smilies,show_img,show_avatars,show_sig,". " timezone,style,registered)". " values(". " '".addslashes($user['username'])."',". " 4,". " '".addslashes($user['realname'])."',". " '".addslashes($user['password'])."',". " '".addslashes($user['email'])."',". " 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,". " 1,'Oxygen',".strval(time()). ")"; mysql_query($query) or exit(mysql_error()); } } // Copy Nucleus items into PunBB database $result = mysql_query("SELECT inumber, ititle AS title, ibody AS body, imore AS more, mname AS name, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(itime) AS itime, iauthor AS member FROM ".sql_table('item')." i LEFT JOIN ".sql_table('plugin_punbb')." p ON i.inumber=p.itemid INNER JOIN ".sql_table('member')." m ON mnumber=iauthor WHERE p.itemid IS NULL"); while ($msg_item = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $msg_member = array('name' => $msg_item['name']); $result2 = mysql_query("select id from $dbname." . $prefix . "users where username='" . addslashes($msg_member['name']) . "'"); if (!mysql_num_rows($result2)) doError("User " . $msg_member['name'] . " does NOT exist in PunBB user database!"); else $user_id = mysql_result($result2, 0); $topicid = $this->createPunBBTopic($msg_item, $msg_member, $user_id, true, true); } } } function event_AddItemFormExtras($data) { if ($this->getOption('create') == '1') { $s1 = $s2 = ''; echo '<table><tr><td><h3>Create topic in PunBB?</h3>'; if ($this->getOption('default') == '1') $s1 = ' checked="checked"'; else $s2 = ' checked="checked"'; echo '<input name="punbbtopiccreate" type="radio" value="1" id="punbb1"' . $s1 . ' /><label for="punbb1">yes</label> '; echo '<input name="punbbtopiccreate" type="radio" value="0" id="punbb2"' . $s2 . ' /><label for="punbb1">no</label>'; echo '</td><td><h3>Copy article text as well?</h3>'; echo '<input name="punbbcopy" type="radio" value="1" id="punbb3" checked="checked" /><label for="punbb3">yes</label> '; echo '<input name="punbbcopy" type="radio" value="0" id="punbb4" /><label for="punbb4">no</label></td></tr></table>'; } } function event_EditItemFormExtras($data) { if ($this->getOption('create') != '1') return; $query = mysql_query('select topicid from ' . sql_table('plugin_punbb') . ' where itemid=' . strval($data['itemid'])); if ($msg = mysql_fetch_array($query)) $s = strval($msg['topicid']); else $s = ''; echo '<h3>PunBB</h3><p><label for="punbb1">PunBB Topic Number:</label> <input name="punbbtopicnumber" type="text" value="' . $s . '" id="punbb1" /></p>'; } function createPunBBTopic($msg_item, $msg_member, $user_id, $full_post, $comments) { global $CONF; $dbname = '`'.$this->getOption('database').'`'; $prefix = $this->getOption('prefix'); $body = $this->getOption('body'); $more = $this->getOption('more'); $link = $this->getOption('link'); $image = $this->getOption('image'); $myurl = 'http://' . str_replace('//', '/', str_replace('http://', '', $CONF['IndexURL'] . createItemLink($msg_item['inumber']))); $result = mysql_query('select icat from ' . sql_table('item') . ' where inumber=' . $msg_item['inumber']); $forum = $this->getCategoryOption(intval(mysql_result($result, 0)), 'punbbtopic'); if (intval($forum) == 0) $forum = $this->getOption('forum'); $result = mysql_query("select id from $dbname." . $prefix . "forums where id=" . $forum); if (!($temp = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) doError("Forum number " . $forum . " does NOT exist in PunBB database!"); /* ------- TOPICS ------- */ $subject = trim(strip_tags($msg_item['title'])); if ($subject == '') $subject = 'No subject'; $result = "insert into $dbname." . $prefix . "topics (posted,poster,subject,num_views,num_replies,closed,sticky,forum_id) values (" . $msg_item['itime'] . ", '" . $msg_member['name'] . "','" . addslashes($subject) . "',0,0,0,0," . $forum . ")"; if (!mysql_query($result)) doError("Error with query: $query"); $topicid = mysql_insert_id(); // insert full post? if ($full_post) { $article = ''; if ($body == '1') $article .= $msg_item['body'] . "\n\n"; if ($more == '1') $article .= $msg_item['more'] . "\n\n"; if ($link == '1') $article .= $this->getOption('linktext') . " [b][url]" . $myurl . "[/url][/b]"; $article = $this->cleanArticle($article, $image, $msg_item['member']); } if (empty($article)) $article = $this->getOption('linktext') . " [url]" . $myurl . "[/url]"; /* ------- POSTS ------- */ $query = "insert into $dbname." . $prefix . "posts " . " ( poster," . " poster_id," . " message," . " hide_smilies," . " posted," . " topic_id," . " poster_ip" . " ) values ( " . " '" . addslashes($msg_member['name']) . "'," . " " . strval($user_id) . "," . " '" . addslashes($article) . "'," . " 1," . " " . $msg_item['itime'] . "," . " " . strval($topicid) . "," . " '" . addslashes($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) . "'" . " )"; if (!mysql_query($query)) doError("Error with query: $query"); $last_post = $msg_item['itime']; $last_post_id = mysql_insert_id(); $last_poster = $msg_member['name']; $post_count = 1; $query = "update $dbname." . $prefix . "users set last_post=" . $msg_item['itime'] . ",num_posts=num_posts+1 " . "where id=" . strval($user_id); if (!mysql_query($query)) doError("Error with query: $query"); if ($comments) { // We've created the topic and the topic post, now deal with any comments $result2 = mysql_query("SELECT c.cbody, c.cuser, c.cmember, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.ctime) AS ctime, c.cip, m.mname FROM ".sql_table('comment')." c LEFT JOIN ".sql_table('member')." m ON m.mnumber=c.cmember WHERE c.citem=" . $msg_item['inumber']); while ($cmt_item = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2)) { $cusername = ''; $cuser_id = 1; if (intval($cmt_item['cmember']) > 0) { $cusername = $cmt_item['mname']; $result3 = mysql_query("select id from $dbname." . $prefix . "users where username='" . addslashes($cusername) . "'"); if (!mysql_num_rows($result3)) doError("User " . $cusername . " does NOT exist in PunBB user database!"); else $cuser_id = mysql_result($result3, 0); $result3 = "update $dbname." . $prefix . "users set last_post=" . $cmt_item['ctime'] . ",num_posts=num_posts+1 " . "where id=" . $cuser_id; if (!mysql_query($result3)) doError("Error with query: $query"); } else $cusername = $cmt_item['cuser']; $cmt_item['cbody'] = str_replace(array('<br />', '&', ''', '"', '<', '>'), array('', '&', '\'', '"', '<', '>'), $cmt_item['cbody']); $query = "insert into $dbname." . $prefix . "posts " . " ( poster," . " poster_id," . " message," . " hide_smilies," . " posted," . " topic_id," . " poster_ip" . " ) values ( " . " '" . addslashes($cusername) . "'," . " " . strval($cuser_id) . "," . " '" . addslashes($cmt_item['cbody']) . "'," . " 1," . " " . $cmt_item['ctime'] . "," . " " . strval($topicid) . "," . " '" . addslashes($cmt_item['cip']) . "'" . " )"; if (!mysql_query($query)) doError("Error with query: $query"); $last_post = $cmt_item['ctime']; $last_post_id = mysql_insert_id(); $last_poster = $cusername; $post_count++; } } /* ------- TOPICS ------- */ $query = "update $dbname." . $prefix . "topics set last_post=" . $last_post . ",last_post_id=" . $last_post_id . ",last_poster='" . addslashes($last_poster) . "',num_replies=" . strval($post_count-1) . " where id=" . strval($topicid); if (!mysql_query($query)) doError("Error with query: $query"); /* ------- FORUMS ------- */ $query = "update $dbname." . $prefix . "forums set last_post=" . $last_post . ",num_posts=num_posts+" . $post_count . ",num_topics=num_topics+1 " . ",last_post_id=" . $last_post_id . ",last_poster='" . addslashes($last_poster) . "'" . "where id=" . $forum; if (!mysql_query($query)) doError("Error with query: $query"); // close comment for this article? if ($this->getOption('close') == '1') { $query = "update " . sql_table('item') . " set iclosed=1 where inumber=" . $msg_item['inumber']; sql_query($query); } // save relation between an article and topic id if ($topicid > 0) { $query = "insert into " . sql_table('plugin_punbb') . "(itemid,topicid) values (" . $msg_item['inumber'] . ",$topicid)"; mysql_query($query); } return $topicid; } // create new topic in PunBB database */ function event_PostAddItem(&$data) { if ($this->getOption('create') != '1') return; if (isset($_POST['punbbtopiccreate']) && ($_POST['punbbtopiccreate'] == '1')) { $myitemid = strval(intval($data['itemid'])); $result = mysql_query('select ititle as title, ibody as body, imore as more, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(itime) as itime, iauthor as member from ' . sql_table('item') . ' where inumber=' . $myitemid); if (!($msg_item = mysql_fetch_array($result))) return; $msg_item['inumber'] = $myitemid; $result = mysql_query('select mname as name from ' . sql_table('member') . ' where mnumber=' . strval($msg_item['member'])); if (!($msg_member = mysql_fetch_array($result))) return; $result = mysql_query("select id from " . '`'.$this->getOption('database').'`' . "." . $this->getOption('prefix') . "users where username='" . addslashes($msg_member['name']) . "'"); if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) doError("User " . $msg_member['name'] . " does NOT exist in PunBB user database!"); else $user_id = mysql_result($result, 0); $full_post = (isset($_POST['punbbcopy']) && ($_POST['punbbcopy'] == '1')) ? true : false; $this->createPunBBTopic($msg_item, $msg_member, $user_id, $full_post, false); } } function event_PreUpdateItem($data) { if ($this->getOption('create') != '1') return; if (isset($_POST['punbbtopicnumber']) && (strlen($_POST['punbbtopicnumber']) > 0)) { $result = mysql_query('select topicid from ' . sql_table('plugin_punbb') . ' where itemid=' . strval($data['itemid'])); if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) $query = 'update ' . sql_table('plugin_punbb') . ' set topicid=' . $_POST['punbbtopicnumber'] . ' where itemid=' . strval($data['itemid']); else $query = 'insert into ' . sql_table('plugin_punbb') . ' (itemid,topicid) values (' . strval($data['itemid']) . ',' . $_POST['punbbtopicnumber'] . ')'; sql_query($query); } } function doTemplateVar(&$item, $text_pre = '', $text_post = '') { $id = strval(intval($item->itemid)); $result = mysql_query('select topicid from ' . sql_table('plugin_punbb') . ' where itemid=' . $id); if ($msg = mysql_fetch_array($result)) if (intval($msg['topicid']) > 0) { $result = mysql_query("select num_replies from " . '`'.$this->getOption('database').'`' . "." . $this->getOption('prefix') . "topics where id=".intval($msg['topicid'])); $num_replies = ($result) ? mysql_result($result, 0) : 0; echo $text_pre; echo $this->getOption('url') . "/viewtopic.php?id=" . strval($msg['topicid'] . "&action=new"); echo $text_post.' ('.$num_replies.')'; } } } ?>