Table of Contents

TxPun Roadmap

Via plugins, extensions and CSS magic, the PHP code of the included Open Source projects need not be touched. This allows for easy upgrading to the latest versions of each of the projects down the line.


One login name/password, the Forum will hold the main user base.

Most websites today are run by either one person or a handful of people. Having users sign up on every application you have installed seems a bit overkill. Admins, moderators, writers and photographers would have logins for their respective corners of responsibility but the users would only sign up on the discussion forum.


Commenting will be handled by the Forum, whether originating from the CMS or Gallery.

Comments, comments, everywhere! Let's see if that story I wrote has had any interaction, how about that picture I uploaded? Wouldn't it be nice to have one place to check all user comments? Better yet, how about only one place to deal with spam?


Similar template/style/theme throughout, at least a good starting point for your site.

Making a site look cohesive comes down to the styling of each application. The idea is to give the visitor a similar look and feel and easy navigation to each part of your website's content.


One install process encompassing the chosen projects using one MySQL database with table prefixes.

The install process will kick off the installation routine of each application. One script will install the core apps with one MySQL database using tables prefixes, like txp_, pun_ and sg_.


When packaged, TxPun Core will be a 500KB download.

The core apps will be bundled with added functionality, like plugins and extensions needed for proper cooperation.