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Nucleus CMS Skin & Template variables

Skin and template variables.

Skin/Templatevar: include

Includes a textfile into the output. The contents of the file is not parsed in any way, so you cannot use skin/templatevars or use PHP code (see parsedinclude and phpinclude if you want parsed includes)

  • Arguments
  • filename: the name of the file to be included (either relative to the position of index.php, or absolute). Note that an URL can also be used here.
  • Notes
  • This tag is affected by the parser settings IncludeMode and IncludePrefix
  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skin/Templatevar: parsedinclude

Includes a file into the output. The contents of the file is parsed by the Nucleus skin/template parser, so you can use skin/templatevars. (see phpinclude and include for other include options)

  • Arguments
  • filename: the name of the file to be included (either relative to the position of index.php, or absolute)
  • Notes
  • This tag is affected by the parser settings IncludeMode and IncludePrefix
  • From inside the included file, you can call <%parsedinclude(filename)%> again. To avoid endless loops, the maximum depth level you can go is 3.
  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skin/Templatevar: phpinclude

Includes a php-file into the output. The contents of the file is parsed by the PHP parser, so be careful. Nucleus skin/templatevars are not parsed! (see parsedinclude and include for other include options).

  • Arguments
  • filename: the name of the file to be included (either relative to the position of index.php, or absolute)
  • Notes
  • This tag is affected by the parser settings IncludeMode and IncludePrefix
  • Your file will be included using the standard php include() command. This command will be called from inside a class method, so you'll need to declare which global variables you want to access yourself. Most of the standard variables are automatically declared global by Nucleus itself.
  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skin/Templatevar: phpinclude vars

The following global variables are accessible from within files included by the phpinclude skin/templatevar:

$REQUEST_URI, $argv, $argc, $PHP_SELF

For others variables, you'll need to add 'global $varname;' explicitly in your code

Skin/Templatevar: plugin

Calls a plugin

  • Arguments
  • Required

^ Name ^ Contents ^

PlugNameName of the plugin that should be called. This name is case sensitive!
  • Extra parameters can be added, depending on the plugin
  • Notes
  • When a plugin name does not conflict with existing variables, it can be called directly using <%PluginName(parameters)%>
  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skin/Templatevar: set

Sets a parser property.

  • Arguments
  • property: name of the property
  • value: value of the property
  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skin/Templatevar: skinfile

Used by imported skins to put a link relative to the skins-URL. Use it in conjunction with the IncludePrefix parser property to get the best results

  • Arguments
  • filename: filename of which you want the correct URL
  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skin/Templatevar: skinname

Inserts the name of the skin that's currently being used.

  • Arguments


  • Skintypes


  • Examples
nupusi/nucleus/helpskintemp.txt · Last modified: 2008/12/06 13:56 (external edit)