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Nucleus CMS Skin Variables

Available skin variables for Nucleus skins.

Skinvar: additemform

Shows an add-item form for the currently selected blog (usually the default one). Mostly used in conjunction with preview

  • Arguments


  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: adminurl

Inserts the full URL to the Admin Area

  • Arguments


  • Skintypes


  • Examples
<a href="<%adminurl%>">Admin Area</a>

Skinvar: archive

Shows the archive for the selected month and the selected blog (usually the default one), using a given template

  • Arguments


  • template: name of the template to use


  • category: name of the category to show
  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: archivedate

Inserts a formatted date for an archive date. Using no parameters, this will either insert '15 august 2002' or 'august 2002' if the archive is for august 2002

  • Arguments
  • Optional

^ Name ^ Value ^

LocaleLocale in which the date must be formatted
FormatDate format (strftime variables)
  • Skintypes


  • Examples
Archive for <%archivedate%>
Archive for <%archivedate(dutch)%>
Archive for <%archivedate(en,%B %Y)%>

Skinvar: archivedaylist

The same as the archivelist skinvar, but shows an entry for each day instead of for each month

  • Arguments


  • template: name of the template to use


  • category name of the category to show
  • limit: limits the amount of links shown (e.g. if you only want to show links to the past 3 months)
  • Skintypes

index, archive, archivelist, search, item

  • Examples

Skinvar: archivelist

Shows the list of available archives for the currently selected blog (usually the default one), using a given template

  • Arguments


  • template: name of the template to use


  • category: name of the category to show
  • limit: limits the amount of links shown (e.g. if you only want to show links to the past 3 months)
  • Skintypes

index, archive, archivelist, search, item

Inserts a link to the archive for the currently selected blog and category (or the default blog when no blog selected)

  • Arguments


  • linktext: when present, a full <a href… tag will be outputted, rather than a raw link
  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: archivetype

Either day or month, indicating which type of archive is currently being shown

  • Arguments


  • Skintypes


Skinvar: blog

Inserts the most recently added items of the currently active blog (usually the default one) into the skin.

  • Arguments


  • template: name of the template to use


  • amount: the amount of items to show (default = 10). Can also contain an offset telling Nucleus to start only from the given item. e.g. 10(5) shows 10 items starting from item 5
  • category: name of the category to show
  • Skintypes

index, item, archive, archivelist, search

  • Examples

Skinvar: blogsetting

Inserts a setting specific to the currently selected blog (usually the default one)

  • Arguments
  • type: which setting to add
    • id: ID of the blog
    • url: URL of the blog
    • name: Name of the blog (long name)
    • desc: Description of the blog
    • short: Short name of the blog
  • Skintypes

index, archive, archivelist, search, item, member

  • Examples
<a href="<%blogsetting(url)%>">...</a>

Skinvar: category

Inserts some information about the currently selected category. When no category is selected, does nothing.

  • Arguments


  • type: What information to include. Can be name (default), desc or id
  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: categorylist

Inserts a list of categories for a blog (defaults to the currently selected blog), using a given template

  • Arguments


  • template: name of the template to use


  • blogname: short name of the blog to use
  • Skintypes

index, archive, archivelist, search, item

  • Examples

Skinvar: comments

Shows the comments for the currently selected item using a given template.

  • Arguments
  • template: name of the template to use
  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: commentform

Adds a commentform to an item page.

  • Arguments


  • destinationurl: sets the URL to where Nucleus needs to redirect after adding the comment (by default, Nucleus redirects to the item detail page for the item)
  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: errormessage

Inserts the message corresponding to the error that occurred

  • Arguments


  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvars: if/else/endif

Inserts a content block only when certain conditions are fullfilled

  • Arguments

Only the if skinvar has options

  • type: type of condition
  • name: name of option (optional)
  • value: value to be checked (optional)

Condition types

  • category: condition is fullfilled when a category is selected
  • category: checks if any category is selected
  • category,catname,CategoryName: checks if the current category is CategoryName
  • category,catid,CategoryId: checks if the current category is CategoryId
  • blogsetting: checks if the value name blogsetting equals value (the name is the column name from the nucleus_blog sql table)
  • loggedin: condition is fullfilled if visiting member is currently logged in
  • onteam: condition is fullfilled if visiting member is currently logged in & member of the blog team of the current blog (or the blog given in the name parameter)
  • nextitem: true if there is a more recent item available for the current weblog (item skintype)
  • nextitem: true if there is an older item available for the current weblog (item skintype)
  • skintype: checks if the current skin type is equal to value (index, search, item, archive, archivelist, …)
  • hasplugin: checks if the a plugin is installed, or if a plugin option has been set to a specific value
  • hasplugin,PluginName: checks if plugin is available
  • hasplugin,PluginName,OptionName: checks if a plugin option is not set to 'no'
  • hasplugin,PluginName,OptionName=value: checks if a plugin option is set to a specific value
  • Skintypes


  • Examples
Welcome back!
Welcom guest!
<%if(category,catname,Off Topic)%>
Welcome to the 'Off Topic' category.
  • Notes

If you want something to be displayed only if a condition is not fullfilled, you can use a construct like this:


Skinvar: ifcat

Deprecated as of Nucleus v2.0. Use <%if(category)%> instead.

  • Arguments


  • text: Text to show
  • Skintypes


  • Examples
<%ifcat(Current Category: )%><%category%>

Skinvar: image

Inserts the selected image (for popup images)

  • Arguments


  • type

|imgtag (default)|Full XHTML <img … /> tag|

urlImage file URL
widthimage width
heightimage height
captionimage caption (text to go with image)
  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: imagetext

This skinvar is deprecated since Nucleus v2.0. You should use <%image(caption)%> instead

Inserts the caption text for a popup image

  • Arguments


  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: item

Shows the currently selected item (without comments) using a given template

  • Arguments
  • template: name of the template to use
  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: itemid

Inserts the ID of the currently selected item

  • Arguments


  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Adds a permanent link for the item.

  • Arguments


  • linktext: when present, a full <a href… tag will be outputted, rather than a raw link
  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: itemtitle

Inserts the title of the item, with HTML-stripped off and entities encoded

  • Arguments


  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: loginform

Adds a loginform, or shows a “You are karma (Log out)” message

  • Arguments


  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: member

Inserts some info about on the currently logged in member. On member detail pages, extra options are available to show the same information for the requested member.

When the visitor is not logged in, the your… parameters will insert nothing

  • Arguments
  • type: which information to show.

Information on the logged in member:

  • yourname: nickname of the member (the one used to login)
  • yourrealname: full name of the member
  • yournotes: extra information a member can set for him/herself
  • yoururl: URL of the members website
  • youremail: email address
  • yourid: ID

Information on the requested member (only available on member detail pages):

  • name: nickname of the member (the one used to login)
  • realname: full name of the member
  • notes: extra information a member can set for him/herself
  • url: URL of the members website
  • email: email address of the member
  • id: ID
  • Skintypes


  • Examples
you are <%member(yourrealname)%>

Skinvar: membermailform

Shows a form through which a logged-in member can send a message to the member which details are being shown (on member detail pages)

  • Arguments


  • rows: Amount of rows in the box (default = 10)
  • cols: Amount of columns in the box (default = 40)
  • destination url: URL to where Nucleus needs to redirection after sending the message
  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: nextarchive

Inserts the archive attribute that corresponds to the archive of either 1 day or 1 month further in time. This value can be used inside URLs to select an archive.

  • If the shown archive is for one specific day, the value has the form YYYY-MM-DD
  • If the shown archive is for a full month, the value has the form YYYY-MM
  • Arguments


  • Skintypes


  • Examples
<a href="index.php?archive=<%nextarchive%>>....

Skinvar: nextitem

Inserts the ID of the next item in the blog

  • Arguments


  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: nextitemtitle

Inserts the title of the next item in the blog

  • Arguments


  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Inserts a link to the next item (on item pages) or to the next archive (on archive pages)

  • Arguments


  • linktext: when present, a full <a href… tag will be outputted, rather than a raw link
  • amount: for search and index skins: the amount of items to go forward/backward
  • Skintypes

item, archive, search, index

  • Examples

Skinvar: nucleusbutton

Inserts a nucleus button, with link to the Nucleus website.

  • Arguments


  • imgurl: URL of the image (if you don't want the default)
  • imgwidth: width of the image (in pixels)
  • imgheight: height of the image (in pixels)
  • Notes
  • This tag is affected by the parser settings IncludeMode and IncludePrefix
  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: otherarchive

Shows the archive for the selected month, using the given blog and template

  • Arguments


  • blogname: name of the blog to use
  • template: name of the template to use


  • category: name of the category to show
  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: otherarchivedaylist

The same as the otherarchivelist skinvar, but shows an entry for each day instead of for each month

  • Arguments


  • blogname: name of the blog
  • template: name of the template to use


  • category: name of the category to show
  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: otherarchivelist

Shows the list of available archives for a given blog, using a given template

  • Arguments


  • blogname: name of the blog
  • template: name of the template to use


  • category: name of the category to show
  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: otherblog

Inserts the most recently added items of a given blog into the skin.

  • Arguments


  • blogname: name of the blog to show
  • template: name of the template to use


  • amount: the amount of items to show (default = 10). Can also contain an offset telling Nucleus to start only from the given item. e.g. 10(5) shows 10 items starting from item 5
  • category: name of the category to show
  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: othersearchresults

Shows the searchresult in a give blog for the current query, using the given template

  • Arguments


  • blogname: name of the blog to use
  • template: name of the template to use


  • maxresults: maximum amount of results to show
  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: prevarchive

Inserts the archive attribute that corresponds to the archive of either 1 day or 1 month back. This value can be used inside URLs to select an archive.

  • If the shown archive is for one specific day, the value has the form YYYY-MM-DD
  • If the shown archive is for a full month, the value has the form YYYY-MM
  • Arguments


  • Skintypes


  • Examples
<a href="index.php?archive=<%prevarchive%>>....

Skinvar: preview

Inserts an item-preview into the page, using a given template (to be used in conjunction with additemform)

  • Arguments
  • template: name of the template to be used
  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: previtem

Inserts the ID of the previous item in the blog

  • Arguments


  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: previtemtitle

Inserts the title of the previous item in the blog

  • Arguments


  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Inserts a link to the previous item (on item pages) or to the previous archive (on archive pages). For search and index pages

  • Arguments


  • linktext: when present, a full <a href… tag will be outputted, rather than a raw link
  • amount: for search and index skins: the amount of items to go forward/backward
  • Skintypes

item, archive, search, index

  • Examples

Skinvar: query

Inserts the current search query.

  • Arguments


  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: referer

Inserts the refering URL (can be empty)

  • Arguments


  • Skintypes


  • Examples
<a href="<%referer%>">back</a>

Skinvar: self

Inserts the filename of the page currently being displayed (index.php or whatever you changed it to)

  • Arguments


  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: searchform

Shows a search form for the current blog.

  • Arguments


  • blogname: The name of the blog for which you want a search form (short blog name)
  • Skintypes

index, archive, archivelist, search, item

  • Examples

Skinvar: searchresults

Shows the searchresult for the current query

  • Arguments


  • template: name of the template to use


  • maxresults: maximum amount of results to show
  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: sitevar

Includes a site variable

  • Arguments
  • type: name of the variable to show:
    • url: URL of the site
    • name: Name of the site
    • admin: E-mail address of the administrator
  • Skintypes


  • Examples
<a href="mailto:<%sitevar(email)%>">Admin</a>

Inserts a link to the main page of the weblog. Takes into account the currently selected blog and category.

  • Arguments


  • linktext: when present, a full <a href… tag will be outputted, rather than a raw link
  • Skintypes


  • Examples

Skinvar: vars

This skinvar is deprecated since Nucleus v2.0. It's a small pain to insert this HTML yourself using the itemid skinvar

Inserts a hidden form-input field with the itemid.

<input type=“hidden” name=“itemid” value=“1234” />

  • Arguments


  • Skintypes


Skinvar: version

Inserts the current Nucleus version.

  • Arguments


  • Skintypes


  • Examples
nupusi/nucleus/helpskinvar.txt · Last modified: 2008/12/06 13:56 (external edit)