Cleaned up user-ldap.php: added connect_and_bind function, config section cleanup, check all searches for attr array, etc.
Made search js load even when groups aren't enabled.
Fixed permissions so read-only cannot add/edit/delete anything
Added patch 1081875: added parseInt calls in js/popups.js
Added patch 1082460: better layout for timebar views
Fixed Bug 1022224: Stranded Branch in Code
Fixed bug 1080911: Copy entry doesn't work for assistant
Fixed security issue with assistants and nonuser admins
Fixed bug 1071725: do not use printer-friendly URLs for the “My Calendar” link
Disable all layer functionality if system settings do not allow viewing another user's calendar (since this would be a security problem.)
When admin is editing an approved public event, do not require the event to be approved again.
Added support for category icons. No Admin UI yet. Icons should be in icons subdirectory named by the category id, such as “icons/cat-1.gif”, etc. If the category gif file is found, it will be used.
Added patch 1076313: Added support for HTMLAREA (see HTMLAREA is a
WYSIWYG editor for
HTML. This can be enabled in the Full Description by enabling
HTML for full descrpitions in system settings and then installing the HTMLAREA files on the server. There should be a file called …/includes/htmlarea/htmlarea.php when you have unzipped the files. (Thanks, Ray for this patch!)
Added “printer friendly” link in view event page
Updated admin docs to reflect updated info in readme.html & removed duplicate info from readme.html
Standardized styling for all documentation
Put developers notes within php tags for javascript files (less data sent to browser)
Added title attributes to links
Adding labels for form fields
Fixed bug 1071619: today border in view_t.php
Applied patch 1068220: implementing styles.php in week.php
Adjusting iframe height & adding title for editing/adding non-users
Enhanced iframe to parent frame refresh behavior for form submittal in new tabbed gui
Implemented “main” class in all veiws to hopefully resolve custom header issue
Added styles for login.php
Moved common tabs js to includes/js/visible.php instead of repeating it for each page with tabs
Removed links in trailer for assistants, and managing views & reports
Modified setting of db parameters. They are now stored in a data file “includes/settings.php”. When someone tries to access WebCalendar for the first time and this file is not found, the user is redirected to a new dbinstall page (install/index.php) where the user can set db host/user/password.
Added check for webcalendar db tables right after initial db connection. Give user an error if tables not found.
Modified user-*.php to tell user either “no such user” or “incorrect password”. This should help sysadmins trying to setup WebCalendar figure out why a login is not working. Admins will need to enable $showLoginFailureReason in login.php to turn this feature on. For security reason, the default will be to always say “Invalid login.”
Fixed bug 1061702: site extras (reminder info) not showing up properly in event popups
Reorganizing styles.php to be more logical
Adding new help & '+' images
A few minor style changes to remedy problems with views
Applying patch 1061811: leading & in minicals week url
Applying patch 1062782: view_t styles moving to styles.php
Fixing bug 1062275: border thickness in various views
Fixing bug 1060781: reenabling print-media stylesheet
Refixing bug 1062276: editing single date of a repeating event
Fixed bug 1063720: advanced search translation
Making search page dynamic on the client-side for admins
Combining & converting import/export pages to new tabbed
Edited import/export link in trailer
Fixed bug 1009183: exporting event from another user's calendar or from a layer generated an empty ics file. Added “Include all layers” option on main export page also. Include WebCalendar version number in ics file.
Removing blank lines from the end of files
Temporarily disabling the print-media stylesheet
Fixing a TON of bugs in almost all of the views NOTE: view_m, day, and week.php are in need of a major php code overhaul to fix some of the remaining bugs
Fixed bug 1060764: forgot to add translation stuff to “public access” in trailer
Fixing bug 1060784: “category” id in functions.php because it caused a conflict with category.php
Added a favicon.ico and supporting code
Adding new edit_entry & admin.php code (tabbed
Made view_entry reminders statement use singular/plural days, hours & minutes as needed
Added title attributes in activity_log.php
Adding additional save button in pref.php to mirror admin.php
Extending admin.php to pref.php
Modifying class 'navlinks' to now read just 'nav'
Adding patch 1059984: alternating row colors for activity_log.php
Removing obsolete styles from styles.php
Adding title attributes to various links
Moving & making login/logout link to be inline with current user in trailer & dynamic depending on if user is logged in or not
Updating upgrading docs with easier to read code areas
Added patch 1059130: minical function implementation
Added patch 1016648: datesel.php when global vars=off
Added patch 1045008: Weekly (Users vertical) view colors
Cleaning up styles.php
Bringing views up to date
Applying print-media patch. Credit to Adam Roben.
Fixed bug causing today link not to work when not logged in
Fixed Bug 1057889: Public events duplicated in month view (view_t.php)
Fixed Bug 1057887: Month view (view_t.php) doubles last sunday in October (DST)
Fixed Bug 983139: fix date in notice for single deleted item from repeating
Fixed Bug 1019285: Unable to edit a single date of a repeating event
Fixed Bug 1056621: “Edit entry for this date” won't work for repeating events
Added Patch 1024543: Fix editing of single instance of repeating event
Updated trailer with title attribute for links
Added title attributes to time cells in view_d.php
Created styles for view_d.php
Fixed random border-rendering issues in week.php
Fixed Bug 1016135: Time is listed in email for untimed events
Fixed Bug 1026762: import handler –circular code
Fixed Bug 1020450: upcomming rev1.3 doesn't display layers
Added user-ldap patch by David Black to use $ldap_user_attr throughout script
Only allow word characters (a-zA-Z_0-9) in nonuser calendar ID's
Fixing up styles in views
Fixed bug 1048157: user select in managing views
Fixing login.php so it's both xHTML 1.0T valid, and properly handles translations
Fixed Bug 1050786: Mail fails if not “\r\n” in extra headers
Fixed Bug 1052000: Error in Day view for several users
Fixed Bug 1050624: upcoming.php doesn't work when requiring public access
Applying patch #1055122: making custom colors update on change
Fixed bug 1044374: random issues with Bulgarian translation file
Implemented minicalendar function
Consolidated styles
Added 'Back' links on pages like groups_edit.php
Fixed some php for styling headers & cells in selected views
Added border to colors admin section
Added class for help images
Added docs to styles.php (will eventually end up in a styles documentation, of some sort)
Continued making code easier to read post-rendering
Removing blank lines at the end of js files
Updating functions.php to partially implement new styling system for viewt.php
Updating styles.php with more comments (encapsulated in php tags so they're stripped in processing) & removing old classes
Removing blanks lines at the end of js.php & site_extras.php
Updating admin docs with more efficient
Converting year.php to new style system & adding comments for new minicals
Converting viewt.php over to new style system & fixing a couple odd rendering issues
Converting day.php over to new style system (particularly the header)
Making code in activity log easier to read both before & after rendering
Disallow includes from being called directly
Fixed several security issues reported by Joxean Koret
Added “Admin” links to return user to adminhome.php from admin pages
Improved iCal import handling of folded lines (data that spreads over more than one line of text)
Reapplied patch 1044285: today & weekend classes got reversed
Changed '>' character to be '»'
Added 'bullet' class for event bullets being styled in styles.php
Changed background color for date links to a border
Moved help button to new icon in-line with the header
Added unique id to body tag for new style system
Fixed funky rendering of new trailer in Opera & Safari
Added .printer class to format printer-friendly link
Converted headers for most pages to use divs & new styling rather than tables
Added line breaks to code for easier reading post-rendering
CSS in styles.php & eliminated duplicate code
Cleaned up & updated code for week.php, month.php, and most of the views to use new styling system
Added title attributes to links
Recommitted corrupted images so Windows users could use CVS
Patch 1040376: Added code to style cells for today & for the day being viewed
Patch 1019183: Removed tables from trailer & added necessary styles
Patch 1041179: Added code for today, weekends & days that have events to year.php
Patch 1044285: Cell for today doesn't get colored on weekends (month.php)
Fixed Bug 1030575: extra tag
Fixed Bug 1016668: Changing table cell background for current day modifies events background too
Fixed Bug 1031253: Can't add events for non-standard usernames
Fixed issue: Cell for today doesn't get colored on weekends (ref patch 1044285)
Fixed Bug 1025547: Exporting data * change vcal to ical
Patch 1021530: Fixed purge with “all” selected
SQL Query enhancement for function read_repeated_events to speed up processing
Fixed Bug 1017097: Can't Delete/Edit First Layer
Fixed Bug 1007496: Repeat Type off-by-one in Event Details
Fixed bug: iCal import would fail if the file included section with timezone info in it.
Patch 1002156: improved html for event popups
Added javascript to admin page to remove options that are not relavant (such as all the options for public access when public access is disabled)
Added login icon to login page
Added system setting for making public access selected as a participant by default for new events.
Added patch 1006000: added time monthbar view
Fixed bug 1004162: user color preferences remain active after the admin turns “allow user color customizations” off.
Updated week/day/month view to not include “target” in meta-refresh since it will not xhtml validate.
Fixed bug: iCal for multiday events was adding extra day at end
Updated German translation