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Database Reference

The following is a complete list of all PunBB database tables and their respective fields. Primary key fields are underlined.


Field Type Default Description
idint The auto-incrementing (identity) primary key identifier for this table.
usernamevarchar(200)NULLThe username this ban applies to.
ipvarchar(255)NULLThe IP address(es) or partial IP address(es) this ban applies to.
emailvarchar(50)NULLThe e-mail address or e-mail address domain name this ban applies to.
messagevarchar(255)NULLA message that is displayed for the banned user.
expireintNULLA UNIX timestamp representing the day when the ban expires.


Field Type Default Description
idint The auto-incrementing (identity) primary key identifier for this table.
cat_namevarchar(80)'New Category'The name of the category.
disp_positionint0The vertical display position of the category (relative to other categories).


Field Type Default Description
idint The auto-incrementing (identity) primary key identifier for this table.
search_forvarchar(60) The term to search for.
replace_withvarchar(60) The term to replace search_for with.


Field Type Default Description
conf_namevarchar(255) The name of a configuration variable. General configuration options start with the prefix o_ and general permission options start with p_.
conf_valuetextNULLThe value of the configuration variable conf_name.


Field Type Default Description
group_idint The user group for which these permissions apply. Primary key identifier together with forum_id for this table.
forum_idint The forum in which these permissions apply. Primary key identifier together with group_id for this table.
read_forumtinyint/smallint1 0 = Deny. 1 = Allow.
post_repliestinyint/smallint1 0 = Deny. 1 = Allow.
post_topicstinyint/smallint1 0 = Deny. 1 = Allow.


Field Type Default Description
idint The auto-incrementing (identity) primary key identifier for this table.
forum_namevarchar(80)'New forum'The name of the forum.
forum_desctextNULLA description of the forum.
redirect_urlvarchar(100)NULLThe URL to redirect users to upon clicking the forum link on the index page.
moderatorstextNULLA serialized PHP array of moderators.
num_topicsmediumint/int0The number of topics the forum contains.
num_postsmediumint/int0The number of posts the forum contains.
last_postintNULLA UNIX timestamp representing the date/time the last post was made in the forum.
last_post_idintNULLThe ID of the last post that was made in the forum.
last_postervarchar(200)NULLThe username (or guest name) of the user that made the last post in the forum.
sort_bytinyint/smallint0 0 = Display topics sorted by last post. 1 = Display topics sorted by topic start.
disp_positionint0The vertical display position of the forum (relative to other forums in the same category).
cat_idint0The category in which the forum resides.


Field Type Default Description
g_idint The auto-incrementing (identity) primary key identifier for this table.
g_titlevarchar(50) The name of the group.
g_user_titlevarchar(50)NULLThe title of users in this group.
g_read_boardtinyint/smallint1 0 = Deny. 1 = Allow.
g_post_repliestinyint/smallint1 0 = Deny. 1 = Allow.
g_post_topicstinyint/smallint1 0 = Deny. 1 = Allow.
g_post_pollstinyint/smallint1 0 = Deny. 1 = Allow.
g_edit_poststinyint/smallint1 0 = Deny. 1 = Allow.
g_delete_poststinyint/smallint1 0 = Deny. 1 = Allow.
g_delete_topicstinyint/smallint1 0 = Deny. 1 = Allow.
g_set_titletinyint/smallint1 0 = Deny. 1 = Allow.
g_searchtinyint/smallint1 0 = Deny. 1 = Allow.
g_search_userstinyint/smallint1 0 = Deny. 1 = Allow.
smallint300Number of seconds after post time that users in this group may edit the subject of topics they've posted.
g_post_floodsmallint30Number of seconds that users in this group have to wait between posts.
g_search_floodsmallint30Number of seconds that users in this group have to wait between searches.


Field Type Default Description
user_idint1ID of the user (always 1 for guests).
identvarchar(200) Identification string for the user. Username for logged in users and IP address for guests.
loggedint0A UNIX timestamp representing the date/time for the user's last activity.
idletinyint/smallint0 0 = User has been active within the last “Online timeout” seconds. 1 = User has timed out.


Field Type Default Description
idint The auto-incrementing (identity) primary key identifier for this table.
postervarchar(200) The username (or guest name) of the user that made the post.
poster_idint1The user ID of the user that made the post (always 1 for guests).
poster_ipvarchar(15)NULLThe IP address the post was made from.
poster_emailvarchar(50)NULLThe guest e-mail address (if supplied).
messagetext The actual message contents.
hide_smiliestinyint/smallint0 0 = Let users decide whether to show smilies as images or not in this post. 1 = Never show smilies as images in this post.
postedint0A UNIX timestamp representing the date/time the post was made.
editedintNULLA UNIX timestamp representing the date/time the post was last edited.
edited_byvarchar(200)NULLThe username of the user that last edited the post.
topic_idint0The topic ID in which the post resides.


Field Type Default Description
idint The auto-incrementing (identity) primary key identifier for this table.
rankvarchar(50) The rank title.
min_postsmediumint/int0The number of posts a user must attain in order to reach the rank.


Field Type Default Description
idint The auto-incrementing (identity) primary key identifier for this table.
post_idint0The post the report relates to.
topic_idint0The topic in which the reported post resides in.
forum_idint0The forum in which the reported post resides in.
reported_byint0The user ID of the user that reported the post.
createdint0A UNIX timestamp representing the date/time the post was last edited.
messagetext The report message.
zappedintNULLA UNIX timestamp representing the date/time the report was zapped (marked as read).
zapped_byintNULLThe username of the administrator or moderator that zapped the report.


Field Type Default Description
idint0The primary key identifier for this table.
identvarchar(200) Identification string for the searcher. Username for logged in users and IP address for guests.
search_datatext A serialized PHP array of search data (e.g. post ID's, sort direction etc.).


Field Type Default Description
post_idint0The post this match relates to.
word_idmediumint/int0The word this match relates to.
subject_matchtinyint/smallint0 0 = Match is in the post message. 1 = Match is in the topic subject.


Field Type Default Description
idmediumint/int An integer identifier for this table.
wordvarchar(20) The indexed word (primary key).


Field Type Default Description
user_idint0The user that subscribes to topic_id. Primary key identifier together with topic_id for this table.
topic_idint0The topic user_id subscribes to. Primary key identifier together with user_id for this table.


Field Type Default Description
idint The auto-incrementing (identity) primary key identifier for this table.
postervarchar(200) The username (or guest name) of the user that posted the topic.
subjectvarchar(255) The topic subject.
postedint0A UNIX timestamp representing the date/time the topic was posted.
last_postintNULLA UNIX timestamp representing the date/time the last post was made in the topic.
last_post_idintNULLThe ID of the last post that was made in the topic.
last_postervarchar(200)NULLThe username (or guest name) of the user that made the last post in the topic.
num_viewsmediumint/int0The number of times the topic has been viewed.
num_repliesmediumint/int0The number of replies that have been posted in the topic.
closedtinyint/smallint0 0 = Topic is open. 1 = Topic is closed.
stickytinyint/smallint0 0 = Topic is a regular topic. 1 = Topic is a sticky topic.
moved_tointNULLThe forum to which the topic has been moved.
forum_idint0The forum in which the topic resides.


Field Type Default Description
idint The auto-incrementing (identity) primary key identifier for this table.
group_idint4The user group to which this user belongs.
usernamevarchar(200) The user's username.
passwordvarchar(40) The user password as an 40 byte SHA1 hash or an 32 byte MD5 hash.
emailvarchar(50) The user e-mail address.
titlevarchar(50)NULLThe user custom title.
realnamevarchar(40)NULLThe user's name.
urlvarchar(100)NULLA link to the user's website.
jabbervarchar(75)NULLThe user's Jabber address.
icqvarchar(12)NULLThe user's ICQ UIN.
msnvarchar(50)NULLThe user's MSN Messenger e-mail address.
aimvarchar(30)NULLThe user's AOL Instant Messenger username.
yahoovarchar(30)NULLThe user's Yahoo Messenger username.
locationvarchar(30)NULLThe user's geographical location.
use_avatartinyint/smallint0 0 = Don't show avatar to other users. 1 = Show avatar to other users.
signaturetextNULLThe user's signature.
disp_topicstinyint/smallintNULLThe number of topics to display on forum page (uses forum default if left blank).
disp_poststinyint/smallintNULLThe number of posts to display on topic page (uses forum default if left blank).
email_settingtinyint/smallint1 0 = Show e-mail address to other users. 1 = Hide e-mail address, but allow form e-mail. 2 = Hide e-mail address and disallow form e-mail.
save_passtinyint/smallint1 0 = Don't remember user between visits. 1 = Remember user between visits.
notify_with_posttinyint/smallint0 0 = Include only topic subject in subscription notification e-mails. 1 = Include both topic subject and post content in subscription notification e-mails.
show_smiliestinyint/smallint1Show smilies as images.
show_imgtinyint/smallint1Show images in posts.
show_img_sigtinyint/smallint1Show images in signatures.
show_avatarstinyint/smallint1Show avatars.
show_sigtinyint/smallint1Show signatures.
timezonefloat0The user's timezone.
languagevarchar(25)'English'The user's preferred language for the forum UI.
stylevarchar(25)'Oxygen'The user's preferred style.
num_postsint0The number of posts the user has made.
last_postintNULLA UNIX timestamp representing the date/time the last post by the user was made.
registeredint0A UNIX timestamp representing the date the user registered.
registration_ipvarchar(15) IP address used when registering.
last_visitint0A UNIX timestamp representing the date/time the last visit by the user commenced.
admin_notevarchar(30)NULLA user note only viewable and editable by administrators and moderators.
activate_stringvarchar(50)NULLA temporary storage string for new passwords and new e-mail addresses.
activate_keyvarchar(8)NULLA temporary storage string for new password and new e-mail address activation keys.
txpun/forum/database.txt · Last modified: 2008/12/06 13:55 (external edit)